Baby Diagnosed With “Uncombable Hair” After Losing His Dark Strands And Grows A Light Peach Fuzz Instead

Baby Diagnosed With “Uncombable Hair” After Losing His Dark Strands And Grows A Light Peach Fuzz Instead

As soon as our babies are born, we always look for features that are comparable to our own. It could be their eyes, smile, skin color, or even their hair color. Families will be trying to figure out where they got these traits from, is it from mom? Dad? Or the grandparents?

As they grow up, the features that make them different become more obvious which makes them extra special. It could be their moles and birthmarks. But for this baby, it was all about his hair.

And for these parents from Georgia, it was a surprise when they learned that their son had a unique trait. Something was kind of different with his hair.

When their son Locklan was born he had jet-black hair because Katelyn’s mother had that color. But when Locklan was six months old, most of his birth or baby hair began to fall out. Then a platinum blonde, also called “peach fuzz,” was then growing in its place. In the same way, their older son, Shep, had the same hair color as their younger son. But for Locklan, they noticed that something was different but didn’t think much about it.

She has been sharing pictures of their family on social media. Then one day, Katelyn got a message on Instagram from someone who was wondering if their son had what is called “Uncombable Hair Syndrome.”

As soon as she received the message, she was on Google to do her own investigation. Also, Kate decided to ask their pediatrician about it. Their pediatrician didn’t know much about it so this didn’t make her feel better. But she was convinced that there is some truth behind the possibility of a condition that her younger son might have.

She knew she can’t go on without getting some answers, so she went to see a specialist.

To be sure, the couple went to Emory Hospital to see what was going on. In the beginning, the doctor didn’t think it was Uncombable Hair Syndrome or UHS because it’s very rare. The had only seen it once in the 19 years she had been a doctor. Still, they cut his hair into small pieces tested it for UHS.

Thankfully, the doctors confirmed that despite the condition, nothing was wrong with their son. She shared, “They said because he was developing normally in every other area of his life, we didn’t need to be worried about anything else being a concern.”

Her journey to learn about her child’s condition also led her to a group of people who were willing to help her and those who needed help. During her research, she found a Facebook group that was mostly composed of parents or people who had UHS. She found them to be a source of comfort because she could share photos and stories with them.

She kept posting pictures of Locklan, and people were all smiles about it, which made her happy too.

She said, “I would say that 98% of people are so kind and love it. They say he’s like a little rock star. Right now, when he’s little, he loves the attention and doesn’t mind it.”

And, as Locklan grows older, the parents wishes that he feels confident in his own skin, regardless of what makes him unique.