Dumpster Divers Just In Time To Rescue Baby Abandoned In the Trash

Dumpster Divers Just In Time To Rescue Baby Abandoned In the Trash

Even though dumpster diving has a negative connotation, it actually brings benefits to society. And for some people, they find more than just food and items that they can actually use. For April Meadow, 43, Hector Jesso 63, and Michael Green 36, they found a newborn baby!

They have probably seen a lot of weird things while dumpster diving in New Mexico, but this is probably the craziest that they’ve ever found. And thank God they did, because they saved the baby’s life.

While sifting through the trash behind a casino in Hobbs, Mexico, at first they thought they heard a cat or puppy whimpering. Green started digging through all the garbage until he found the bag where the sound was coming from. And to his disbelief, it was not a cat or a puppy.

In an interview with Daily Mail, he said, “I just started going through the trash – it was instinct. Just trying to get to [the bag]. I didn’t even look in the bag – I was thinking a dog or a cat or something, but I didn’t want to see it all bloody you know. Sometimes, I get grossed out.”

Meadow opened the bag and was shocked to see what was inside – a little baby!

She screamed, “It’s f**king baby! He was quiet. He was just laying there in a red towel.”

She pulled the baby out of the bag and started to cradle the child. She said the poor infant was “ice cold.” They quickly warmed up the car and wrapped the baby in a jacket while Green called 911.

EMTs and police arrived within five minutes. The baby was taken to the hospital and is now under the care of the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Family Department.

He was named “Saul” after his 16-year-old father.

The teen’s grandfather is now seeking custody of the child.

Green said that it was “pure luck” that they happened to search that dumpster. Meadow adds, “It gives me goosebumps. I don’t ever want to see anything like that ever again. I thought, ‘that baby ain’t going to stay in a f**king trash sack, it’s going with me.’ That blood, that lady’s blood – I didn’t care, I just wanted to hold the baby.”

This quick thinking and act of kindness did not go unnoticed. The three were applauded for saving the child. Green’s cousin also set up a GoFundMe to help raise money for the baby. The police later determined that the child had been in the dumpster for about five hours in 36-degree weather.

According to the authorities, his umbilical cord was still attached. The baby’s mother, Alexis Avila, 18, wrapped the newborn in a bloody towel, placed him inside two garbage bags, and dumped him in the trash where he was found by the dumpster divers. She drove away in her Volkswagon Jetta as if nothing happened.

The entire incident was caught on surveillance video. It is disturbing to watch. Avila reportedly told police that she didn’t know she was pregnant. She said that she only realized when she started having abdominal pains then gave birth. She panicked and decided to leave the baby in the trash.

You see, all 50 states have safe haven laws. This allows parents to leave their child to the right people and avoid criminal penalties. Now, Avila is facing charges of attempted murder and child abuse.

Avila’s mom, Martha Avila, told the police that she forbid her daughter from seeing her ex, who is the baby’s father. Her argument was that he “battered her” which is also based on a criminal complaint. Martha Avila declined to tell her family’s side of the story but did defend her child.