Dying Dog Gets Some ‘Extra Love’ and Attention from Strangers After Owner Made This Heartbreaking Sign

They say that humans are born so they can learn how to live a good life, like how to love and be loved. And dogs already know that this is why they don’t have to live that long. Still, it is heartbreaking when you are faced with the reality that you will soon have to say goodbye to your fur buddy.

Sparkle is an 11-year-old corgi + beagle + basset hound mix. She is known to her entire neighborhood in Somerville, Massachusetts, as the dog with the friendliest wags. She has maintained her wholesome presence for years and people love her for that. During the pandemic, she would greet many people even from the safety of her yard. She would bring smiles and comfort to the faces of those she meets every day.

Sparkle is a free dog. She spends her days going in and out of the house as she pleases. But her owner, Melora Rush, makes sure that she doesn’t go far. She’s secured by a long tie-out which allows her to move around the yard and go back into the house on her own.

Rush made sure to post a sign at the front of the yard so that people who are passing by could learn a little bit more about Sparkle.

The sign has a huge photo of the sweet dog. It reads:
“My name is Sparkle. I love to be outside and meet people, all year! But I also go inside whenever I want. If you have questions, my tag has my adoptive mom or dad’s cell phone number. They speak English better than me. Thanks.”

Rush shared with Newsweek how Sparkle came into their lives a decade ago. She said, “We adopted her from a rescue in New Hampshire called Mary’s Dogs 10 years ago. She was one of their early rescues. She was about 1 y.o. when we adopted her.”

Rush’s son, Justin, who was only 8-years-old at the time was the one who came up with the name “Sparkle.”

Through the years her muzzle has greyed and she’s become a senior doggy. But what was heartbreaking for Rush was when earlier this year, they learned somthing bad about Sparkle’s health.

Rush shared, “We knew she had a serious infection in her jaw earlier this summer. We treated that with various antibiotics but it continued to be a problem. A second biopsy, about a month ago, revealed the tumor in her jaw. My reaction was profound sadness coupled with a determination to enjoy every minute I had with her and to keep her as comfortable and happy as I possibly could. And to share her love with the neighborhood as much as she is able.”

On the other sign beside one that describes Sparkle, it reads:
“It is time to give Sparkle extra love. Sparkle has cancer in her upper jaw, which sadly cannot be cured. She is being treated as needed with antibiotics (for secondary infection) and pain medications. Sparkle is 11 years old and has given joy and comfort to many in the neighborhood. We hope she will continue to be with us for several more months, but we cannot know. Depending on her daily condition, she may be spending more time inside these days.”

It adds: “If you see her outside please continue to love her (gently), but avoid touching the side of her face, because it may be swollen and sensitive, and there may be some bleeding.”

When photographer Eric Magnussen stumbled came across this sick yet very lovable senior pup and her signs when he was out walking on November 9th, he was touched by her story. So he decided to Tweet photos of the dog with this caption:

“Made a new friend on my walk today.”

Since then, Sparkle’s fan club exploded. She made more friends as people would come to visit her to give the 11-year-old dog a little extra love and attention that she deserves. They would send gifts, care packages, and treats.

So if you want to know a little bit more about Sparkle, visit her Twitter account – “SparkleMayorofSomerville.”