Family Refused To Adopt This Baby Once They See Her Face
Every child deserves a home and family that they can call their own. Many couples who are having a hard time conceiving decide to adopt a baby, hoping that through this, their dreams and hopes of having a complete family will finally be achieved. There are so many reasons why a child is put for adoption and one single mother needs to make this very difficult decision.
Christina Fischer was both terrified and excited when she learned that she is pregnant. She would have been happy to keep the child, but she knew that she was on the verge of homelessness as a single mother in Florida, so she needs to let go. The father of her child was missing in action so she needs to do this if she wants her child to have a good family who can provide her needs. She decided to seek her options for possible adoption.
After Christina gives birth, she knew that the baby will be given to a family who desperately wanted to have a child. The local adoption agency researched for possibilities and they found a perfect couple for the Fischer child. They are a couple from Georgia and they are very excited that finally, they will have a complete family with this baby.
Christina’s first few ultrasounds went very well. The doctors were not able to detect any issues with her daughter before she was born. However, things turned when she gave birth. Everyone in the delivery room can tell that something was not right.
Abigail Lynn was diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Treacher Collins Syndrome is a genetic condition. It is extremely rare and is not passed down through generations. Unlike other conditions where it is a hereditary trait, this occurs because of the new mutation that happens while the baby is growing inside her mom, instead of it being inherited. This is an uncurable syndrome and one out of 50,000 babies have it which makes it one of the rarer disorders that doctors are only able to determine upon birth.
Babies with Treacher Collins Syndrome will have deformities that can make their life difficult as they grow older. These can even get worse without proper medical care. This condition is usually manifested in the cheekbones, eyes, ears, and their chin. Some infants will have more problems than the others. They will need hearing aids, speech therapy, surgery, and different interventions for them to have a decent life. Despite the pitying looks that the nurses and the doctors gave her, Christina instantly fell in love with her baby, even with this condition.
Then it was time for the new mother to finally meet Abigail Lynn.
During her interview with Inside Edition, Christina said, “I let her take the other wristband into the NICU. She came out crying and left the hospital. We never heard from them again.” Sadly, Abigail Lynn was abandoned by the people who were supposed to give her the love from a family and a home that she deserves.
It was probably for the best because this kind of people does not deserve to be parents. Instead of pushing for Abigail Lynn to be adopted, Christina made the right decision to raise the baby on her own. Even though she knew that they will be struggling financially, she knows that she is the only person who would be able to give this beautiful angel the love that she needs.