She Gives Birth To Some Of the Heaviest Twins In History

A huge baby bump is usually not a reason to worry when you are pregnant. Some women have bigger bellies when conceiving compared to the others. Every pregnancy is unique. And most of the time, moms-to-be do not know what to expect.
But for Alanna Merrie and her husband Paul, they had an inkling that her huge belly is due to the fact that she is carrying twins.
That is not something to be surprised about because twins run on both sides of their family. So they knew that there will always be a possibility. Usually, when twins are common in the family tree, there is no doubt that it will also happen in the next generations. So when her belly became bigger compared to other pregnant moms, she already had a feeling that she was carrying a pair of babies. But this came as a surprise for her doctors as well as the people around her.
She said, “I did have a huge bump, though, and total strangers kept coming up to me, asking whether I was going to give birth on the spot, as I was that big.”
Alanna is also a doctor. She felt that her twins would be bigger than average. She thought that they would be around 5 pounds each. But just to be sure, she did not buy them any clothes yet. During her interview with Daily Mail, she said, “I didn’t buy them anything, because I didn’t want to risk having to take things back because they didn’t fit them.”
And when she gave birth, she was shocked because when her babies were weighed, it was way more than what she expected. They were a total of nearly 17 pounds!
That is the size of a 6-month-old baby. They are 7 pounds heavier than the most set of twins ever born. Alanna said, “The staff at the hospital were saying to me that they have never delivered twins this big before.” They don’t even fit into newborn clothes.
The new parents are still waiting for the official records to confirm, but their boys are believed to be the largest set of twins all across Scotland’s history.
But Alanna’s and Pauls’ babies are not the only heavyweight pair of twins. In fact, way back in 2008 in North Carolina, a set of twins surprised their parents, Joey and Erin Maynard, when they tipped the scales among the heaviest twins on record. Sean William Maynard and Abigail Rose Maynard weighed a total of 23 pounds and 1 ounce at birth. The boy weighed 10 pounds and 14 ounces while the girl weighed 12 pounds and 3 ounces.
According to Freda Springs, a spokeswoman for Forsyth Medical Center, the twins were delivered two minutes apart by Caesarean section at the Sara Lee Center for Women’s Health in Winston-Salem. The babies were in excellent condition after birth.
Now, these babies are heavyweight, but they do not hold the record. On February 20, 1924, twins were born in the US state of Arkansas and they weighed a total of 27 pounds and 12 ounces. Patricia Jane Haskin and her brother John Prosser currently are the heaviest-ever recorded twins. Patricia was 14 pounds and JOhn was 13 pounds 12 ounces when they were born.