Jeff Bridges Comes Out About His Marriage

For many celebrities, their prized possessions are their awards and trophies that they won all throughout their career. But for Jeff Bridges, his prized possession is his wife. Their love story is straight out of a Hollywood romance movie, but just so much better!

Jeff Bridges has been a Hollywood actor since the 1950s. Being a celebrity runs in the family which is why he started very young. He was only two years old when he began his acting career. And since then, his love for his craft never died down. He has been nominated for an Academy Award six times. He won one of them in his role in 2009s Crazy Heart. Bridges also worked with legendary people like Jessica Lange, John Huston, Cybil Shepherd, John Goodman and a lot more. With the success in his career, you would assume that what he values are the awards that he won through the years. But no, they aren’t.

When he met his wife, Susan while he was filming a movie, she was not part of the cast or crew. She was a simple Montana girl with two black eyes and a broken nose. And yes, it was love at first sight.

If you think that stories like this only happens in movies and romance books, you are wrong. This is exactly what happened to Jeff and Susan. So if you want to know how their love story started, here’s how their better-than-movies story began.

While he was shooting a scene for Rancho Deluxe in 1975 at a place called Chico Hot Springs just outside Livingston, Montana in Paradise Valley, he realized that he could not take his eyes off this “gorgeous” woman. Her two black eyes and broken nose caught his attention in a good way. So he worked up his courage after she caught him staring a couple of times.

He walked up to Susan and asked her out. Her response? A big NO!

But he did not lose hope. Chico Hot Springs was such a small town and the chances that they will bump into each other again were very high. And his prediction came true!

Just a few nights later, they ran into each other in a bar and they danced the night away. Jeff said, “And that was about it, man. I mean, I was head-over-heels— I was head-over-heels the first time I saw her.”

We have seen and heard love stories outside Hollywood that did not last for a long time. In fact, even celebrities have their own fair share of failed relationships. But it is safe that Jeff and Susan are the exceptions. They have proven that celebrity relationships can work.

Listening to him tell their love story is too cute for their fans. But hearing him talk about how they met and how their relationship started is just like reading it straight from a romance book. You can clearly hear in his voice how he is so in love with her and how seeing and meeting her for the very first time.

They have been happily married for 41 years but the immediate infatuation that he felt for his wife then probably felt like it all just happened yesterday.