Lab-Grown Lion Meat Might Be Available To Order Soon At UK Restaurants

Lab-Grown Lion Meat Might Be Available To Order Soon At UK Restaurants

Have you ever wondered what lion meat would taste like? Well in the United Kingdom, rumor has it that it’s possible that lab-grown ‘lion meat’ may soon be available for purchase in the country, especially at restaurants, along with a whole slew of other exotic meats that aren’t truly produced by animals.

Primeval Foods, a food technology start-up, has developed this ‘cultivated’ meat. This is certainly an outlandish creation, and it is likely to raise more concerns than it answers about whether or not we should be eating meat, and of course, inquiries where that meat originates will surely rack up.

According to sources, it’s not just lion meat. Customers will also have a chance to try tiger, elephant, giraffe, and even sushi made from zebra. And these could end up in restaurants if the products manage to pass food regulatory checks.

On the one hand, the argument states that the lab-grown meat is more environmentally friendly than plant-based meat alternatives. The claims about no animal death happening is true, though.

You see, cultivated meat is a method of production that allows companies to make food without slaughtering animals. Instead, they just grow the necessary animal cells directly, allowing them the chance to replicate all the nutritional profiles as well as the sensory experiences of eating meat. In addition, it also stops pollution generated from using fertilizer. It will also stop the overuse of antibiotics that is prevalent in farming animals.

The idea is that this removes farm animals in the narrative and therefore saves on land, water, and greenhouse emissions. All doing so while protecting habitats that could only be destroyed for farming and raising animals.

Even though these theories haven’t been proven just yet, it’s already caught the attention of many. Others prefer not to try but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a great idea, though.

According to a study, the cultivated ‘meat’ will use between 7 and 45 percent less energy and is projected to be producing around 78 to 96 percent less greenhouse gas. And of course, the land use will be drastically down by 99 percent, as well as water use down by 82 and 96 percent. Another benefit if this pushes through is that it can be scaled up in order to meet the demands.

Now many are wondering, out of the many exotic animals out there, why did they choose to start with lion meat, though?

Yilmaz Bora, the managing partner of Ace Ventures, which owns Primeval Foods, hopes that more exotic fayre might offer something a bit different which will entice more people to come in and try it out. He further explained, “People are constantly seeking to discover new foods, new restaurants, new culinary experiences, but the traditional species have reached their limitation on meeting this demand. It has to go beyond the current beef, chicken, and pork dishes, and it has to come without the expense of nature.”

He added, “In the coming months, we are planning to have a tasting event in London with one of our cultivated exotic meats, to give the world a taste of what the next chapter of food would look like.”

Well, if the claims are true and it’s worth the hype, then it’s definitely worth a try.