Little Boy’s Answer To Why God Created Grandparents Has Me Rolling On The Floor

We all love our grandmas, don’t we?

There isn’t one person who is capable of telling us why grandmas are the best. They sow their grandchildren an insane amount of love, and there is hardly anything that they are not able to do with their little ones. While mothers need to deal with the day to day difficulty of being parents, grandmothers simply need to channel al of their love on the children, and they are not afraid to show these little ones as much love as they possibly can.

However, the video below was able to go viral because a young boy was able to provide an answer to a very serious question. The person with the camera asked him about his grandma, who he calls “MamMa.”

The person with the camera just wanted too now one thing particularly; why does the boy, who was putting on a cute martial arts uniform, think that God created his grandma.
The boy’s answer is the latest thing to go viral on the Internet.

Although the boy provides his own reason for why God created grandmas, his answers were actually backed up by science. There is some evidence from a wide array of researchers who have launched investigations into why grandmas are simply the best.

Psychology Today indicates that grandmothers are calmer around their grandkids than they were as mothers. You will most likely see grandparents letting things slide more often than you see parents do. Hey don’t really care if their little one acts out just a bit, and they will also be more than happy to give them a sweet even if it means breaking the rules. Grandma might have lashed out a little if the child was hers, but she feels able to handle the situation with more laxity and ease now that she is one step removed.

Grandmas also have the chance to focus on some of the most interesting parts of being a parent. They didn’t have to worry about making payments for diapers, health insurance and choosing the school for the child to go. They get to play and do all of the fun things, like taking their grandchildren to buffets or going got to watch a movie.
Although the evidence tends to favor grandmas, the little boy has certain insights that he would like to speak with the camera crew about.

While you might ha some awesome insights that you will also like to share, you really need to see how much this kid loves his MamMa.

If it’s possible, children should actually be made to spend more time with their grandparents. They cook the best food and shower love on their grandkids like it’s snow. However, they also sow a lot of dedication to their grandchildren. They will always be there and have more patience than a parent might because they understand from experience. Besides, it has been a little while since they have had a little baby boy or girl, so it is refreshing and is able to bring memories of when they were new parents as well.

Grandmas are also able to instill a lot of life lessons. They’ve been around for quite a while, and they know the world way better than other people. They can help show the little ones what to do and how to go through life.