Little Girl Throws Back Some Sass At Grandma And The Internet Can’t Get Enough (video)

Some kids are born into a harsh condition and have to pull a rough childhood usually because they are born with a medical condition. Take-Two years old Levi Grace for example. The little one despite being so young has had to face serious medical turmoil because she was born with a rare condition known as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), otherwise referred to as brittle bone disease. The condition which made her bone susceptible to fracture among other painful symptoms has caused her to endure several surgeries and put her in the hospital more times than someone of her young age should.

But despite her health troubles, it’s so good to know that Livi Grace continues to shine both mentally and emotionally. Nothing, not even her physical hurt could stop the bubbly toddler from putting on a delightful display when she went shopping with her Grandma at a Target store. Thankfully someone thought it worthwhile to make a video of the scene, and we are glad they did. This little one is every shade of sassy as you would find out from the video.

According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Osteogenesis Imperfecta which little girl suffers from is a serious disorder which usually has lifetime effects on patients suffering from it. According to the hospital’s website when parents need to take a child in to see a pediatrician when they start noticing signs such as signs like bones fracturing easily, blue sclera (the normally white part of a person’s eyeball, dental problems, and hearing loss. This accompanied with other factors such as a history of OI in the family, hearing loss and so on could point to the disease.

Patients suffering from OI usually have near normal or slightly shorter stature, a triangular face and might tend to have spinal curvature. If a pediatrician suspects that the child has OI, the website states that some tests will have to be carried out to ascertain it.

“Your child’s doctor will take a careful family history in addition to a complete medical history and do a physical examination. Diagnostic procedures for OI may include a skin biopsy to evaluate the amount and structure of collagen. But this test is complicated, and not many qualified facilities are available to perform the procedure. It is not unusual for results of the biopsy to take up to six months.” It reads.

In some cases, the doctor might also run an x-ray and ENT exams coupled with audiometric ques to determine the response rate. It’s a grueling situation for parents who have to watch their baby being poked and prodded to ascertain their medical condition. This coupled with several surgeries, and medical treatments are what Livi Grace has had to endure within her short years. But it is obvious the little girl is such an optimistic little angel it doesn’t seem to get her down at all.

As seen in the video, Grandma tries to tell the little girl that she needed to wear slippers in the cold weather but the outspoken bubbly toddler has her own words to say too and she made sure she babbled it in response. What is even more interesting is how she gestured and pointed at grandma with so much force and sassiness. She couldn’t be told what to do!

Lindsey shared footage of Livi Grace’s exchange with her grandma on her facebook page and filled us in a little on why the scene is even more adorable:

“Meet Livi Grace! Liv is almost two years old and was born with a rare disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. She has brittle bones and has had over 60 fractures since birth. She is an absolute JOY. We like to think God blessed her with a lot of sass to make up for what she lacks physically. Her bones may break, but her spirit is true, unbreakable.”

We love this sassy little girl and can only pray that she keeps on getting better and stays happy all her days. Watch the video below and see her in action. It will melt your heart.