Man Is Now A ‘Walking Miracle’ After Being Told He Only Had 30 Days To Live

Man Is Now A ‘Walking Miracle’ After Being Told He Only Had 30 Days To Live

Collin Pace was told that he only had a month left to live. He was only 18 years old. In a Summit Church D.C. video, Collin shared what happened and how come the doctor gave him only a month to live.

In the video, he said, “So when I was 16 I lived here in Springfield, Virginia, going to Lake Braddock High School. Started to get sick, you know, thought it was the flu, thought it was colds, just constantly having problems.”

So for the next two years, Pace was “constantly back and forth in and out of hospitals.” He had also gone through “several different procedures” and “exploratory surgeries chasing down the symptoms.”

He shared, “I would have lots of issues from breathing where my heart would race and then it would bottom out and actually get extremely slow. Basically living in a day-to-day pain cycle.”

Pace received tragic news after meeting with the doctor and undergoing additional tests and procedures. He was diagnosed with “Stage four CS.” The doctor also told him that “it had already metastasized at this point.”

Pace said that day happened to be his birthday. Instead of celebrating, they went to Johns Hopkins. When the doctor arrived he had the test. He said, “And there was nothing that they could do. He said at this point you have about 30 days. You can make your own choice, you can choose to stay here in the hospital, or you can go home and we’ll give you any medicine you want to make you as comfortable as you can be.”

He adds, “I decided that if this was going to be how it was that I want to take one more family trip. So our church was actually going to Israel that February and about a week into the trip is when we go to the Jordan River and at this point, I’m feeling just so exhausted, but I already made up in my mind, and in my spirit that I was going to make it to the river.”

Pace continued, “My brothers had to carry me to the water because I couldn’t walk, and I could remember knowing that I was gonna go down the water and arise a different person. I could feel it and I knew it. Cancer would be gone the moment I came out of that water.”

Pace said when they got back to the U.S. he had to get his blood work tested again. Then, a miracle happened…

His test results showed zero traces of any cancer!

He further explained, “There is no remission. There are no blood levels going down and they’re receding. It was completely clean as if it never existed and from that day forward I could feel my body stronger. I could feel it getting better. So the enemy had worked really hard to clearly stifle me, to hold me back, to take me out, to prevent me from doing all that God had planned for me but I can tell ya, God’s power has the final say.”

Today, he and his family are active participants of their church, Summit Church, where he now serves as a small group leader.