The Heaviest Teen In The World Loses Hundreds Of Pounds

Every parent would want their kids to have a better life with no stress of bullying or mean comments or reaction from people. They also would want their children to grow in perfect health, and it’s because of this reason that they make it a point to look out for their children.

Jacob Miller was born with a big body. His size was not of much concern to his parents, and they did not think anything could be wrong with him. He, however, grew bigger and bigger, and his parents started worrying. At fifteen, Jacob was weighing 715 pounds; quite a weight for a teenager. He was 6’55” tall, and at this point, he started suffering from diseases like diabetes, heart problems, liver disease and other conditions that come with big body size.

His parents started getting concerned. It hit them that their son’s condition could be as a result of some biological problems. They, therefore, set out to look for help. They visited the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. The doctors could not immediately find a quick solution to Jacob’s condition.

However, as the last alternative, they suggested gastric bypass surgery to Jacob’s parents. Dr. Tom Inge, the pediatric surgeon, said that the procedure was the best shot at trying to solve the condition, claiming that bodies weren’t built to hold that kind of weight.

The parents agreed to this in as much as it scared them. The mother said that it could not fix the condition entirely at once, but it may be helpful meanwhile as they still research to find a cure. The father was also scared, but he knew that if they had to go to that end to make their son feel better, then nothing was going to stop them.

Jacob was also up for it because he knew he wanted to feel normal like the rest of his age mates. He wanted to go to dances, play and do other things and he, therefore, took the procedure seriously. A few weeks before the surgery, the doctors had suggested a diet for him, and he maintained it to the latter, and as a result, he lost 77 pounds.

Seeing that he indeed wanted the change, Jacob’s doctors helped him through the process. He also got support from his family and close friends.

Even despite his determination, the change amused his family, friends, and doctors. After six months, he had lost a lot of much weight. All the way from 10X shirt, he had gone to 5X shirt and from 5X pants to 3X pants.

Jacob was also beside himself with joy because he felt he was making progress. He enthusiastically commented that keeping up with the post-procedure conditions, the diet, and all the rules were demanding, but it wasn’t as hard as it had been before the surgery.

He went on saying that initially walking for five minutes was a problem and he could stop to rest every time, but after the surgery, 5 minutes was not a problem anymore, and he can walk for half an hour before stopping.

Keeping a healthy body from the point of birth is essential, but in case we are not successful, there are medical options we can go for that can help us; all we need is dedication and determination. If not for the commitment Jacob had shown, he would not have managed to lose the amount of weight he did.