How Wearing A Bag Clip Can Help Get Rid Of Your Headache

Suffering from a migraine all the time will sometimes need more than just painkillers. This is what Elizabeth Hayes had to deal with every single day. She had no other options so she decided to try something out of the ordinary.

Since her migraine would sometimes last for 12 hours straight, she is desperate to find a solution to her ongoing problem. She just wants for her headache pain to disappear or reduce it! When she saw a chip clip in her kitchen drawer, she remembered what she read online about how you attach it to a part of your body for 20 minutes. She did and the pain reduced in half instantly!

Hayes was really happy to have discovered this simple DIY solution to her problem. She decided to research about it and realized that how she puts the clip in between her thumb and forefinger is directly on the pressure point that has links to migraine relief.

Hayes decided to share what she discovered on Facebook, explaining the details on how others suffering from migraines can do her chip clip trick. It seems like many found her post helpful because it went viral! It earned over 230,000 shares and comments.

According to her post, she placed the chip clip on the meaty party of her hand, just in between her index and her thumb. This area is very sensitive to pressure and Hayes proved that it saved her from migraine pain. In 20 minutes, the pain reduced and it became bearable, enough for her to get on with her life.

Her post reads:
“This chip clip saved my life tonight. I had a migraine start almost twelve hours ago, and about an hour ago it was at an unbearable limit. I had exhausted all of my drugs and tricks I usually use to ease my migraines to no avail. I Googled fast relief for migraines, and it pulled up something called Aculief. I glanced at the counter and saw this chip clip and decided it would do about the same thing.”

She added, “Within one minute, I had some relief, and within twenty, my pain was reduced by half! I decided to order the real thing off Amazon. I just wanted to share this with everyone, as I know many of you suffer from migraines also.”

Other people who found her post helpful also talked about their experience dealing with headache pain through acupressure. A commenter named Robbin Gibson wrote, “I use alligator clips at work. Works well!”
Her review was enough reason why Aculief is making tons of profit from the migraine solution that they are selling that looks like the chip clip. They are selling it to migraine sufferers. Hayes surely helped a lot of people by sharing this simple tip on how to reduce the unbearable migraine pain. For those who do not have the Aculief, they can use their chip clip for the meantime. Still, it would be best to have the real product for better results.

According to Aculief, their products are described as a wearable device that uses the body’s natural endorphins to relieve tension and headache. For sure, more and more people will be ordering Aculief for a drug-free solution to their migraines.