Woman Shares Video ‘Complaining’ About Food She Got At A Food Bank, Faces Backlash

A woman named Brenna O’Hara received backlash on social media after posting a video on TikTok where she shows off the haul she received from a food bank and complains about nearly every item. The video begins with O’Hara checking out a can of mixed vegetables, seemingly purchased from a Canadian grocery store. “And then we’ve got some delicious, mixed vegetables, mmm yes girl, yes,” she said mockingly, dripping with sarcasm.
The man in the video, named Liam, hands her a box of stuffing mix next, prompting her to say “oh, Liam! Stuffing mix! Liam it’s your lucky day! We got stuffing mix.” This process continues for the next three and a half minutes, where Liam continues to hand O’Hara grocery items, and O’Hara comments on the items — things like dented cans or being given meat when she’s a vegetarian.
At one point, they receive a large pack of pasta, but O’Hara expresses concern that they weren’t given any sauce to put on top of the pasta. Later on, they actually do unbox some pasta sauce, but O’Hara notes that she’s been eating pasta for weeks. There is one item that Liam seemed to be excited about — a can of baked potatoes with bacon, but other than that, it was clear that the pair were not satisfied with the haul they received.
The video was reposted on the subreddit “r/facepalm” and went viral for O’Hara’s disrespectful attitude towards the food she received. Despite her account being deleted on TikTok, the video remained on Reddit where thousands of people commented on the situation criticizing her and her companion’s behavior towards food banks. They were not satisfied with the haul they received and at the end of the video, O’Hara ranted to her viewers saying “there’s no fresh fruit, there’s no veggies, there’s no toilet paper” and that she would have to go find dandelions to eat.
It is important to note that food banks rely on donations and often do not have the resources to provide a wide variety of items, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. People who are in need of assistance from food banks are often struggling financially and may not have access to other resources to obtain these items. O’Hara and Liam’s attitude towards the food they received is not only disrespectful, but also highlights a lack of understanding and empathy for those who are struggling to put food on the table.
Many people who commented on the video expressed their disappointment in O’Hara and Liam’s behavior. One user commented, “All that stuff is amazing if you have nothing.” Another user pointed out, “It’s not just the food banks that are struggling, it’s the people they are trying to help.”
It is important to remember that food banks and other organizations that provide assistance to those in need are there to help those who are struggling. They do not exist to provide a luxury experience or to meet every individual’s personal preferences. People who receive assistance should be grateful for what they receive and understand that these organizations are doing their best to help those in need.
In conclusion, O’Hara’s video on TikTok showcasing her haul from a food bank and complaining about nearly every item she received, was met with backlash and criticism from the online community. Her attitude towards the food she received was disrespectful and highlights a lack of understanding and empathy for those who are struggling to put food on the table.